Subject Combinations
Subject Combinations
In NJC, we offer subject combinations that favour your interest towards certain subjects.
At the same time, these specific combinations will get you your desired courses in universities, be it local or international.

**MOE Policy on Subject Combination**
The ‘A’ Level Curriculum, as a pre-university course, ensures that students have a good grounding across various disciplines, and develop critical thinking, process and communication skills.
Admission to universities is determined by discipline-specific pre-requisites and the University Admission Score (UAS). The UAS is computed based on performance in three H2 subjects, one* H1# subject, General Paper (GP) and Project Work (PW).
* If a student reads four H2 subjects, the lowest performing H2 subject will be computed as a H1 subject.
# The curriculum time for H1 subjects is approximately half that of H2 subjects., e.g. H1 Economics runs for 2 hours a week or approximately 100 hours for 2 years and H2 Economics runs for 4 hours a week or approximately 200 hours for 2 years.
Students may select subjects at three different levels of study: Higher 1 (H1), Higher 2 (H2) and Higher 3 (H3). A student may not offer the same subject at both H1 and H2.
Every student will offer a combination of H1 / H2 / H3 subjects + MTL. The number of academic units computed is: Minimum (Norm): 7 + 1 (H1 MTL), Maximum: 11 + 1 (H1 MTL)
All students must read H1 General Paper (GP), Project Work (PW) and Mother Tongue (MTL).
All students must take Mother Tongue (MTL) at H1 unless they have obtained a minimum of D7 for Higher MTL at ‘O’ Level, in which case, they need not take H1 MTL and may use their ‘O’ Level HMTL results for university admission score computation with rebasing. However, the H1 MTL unit cannot be replaced by another content unit (except for students who offer H2 MTLL in lieu of H1 MTL).
All students must attempt PW at Senior High 1.
Students who select H2 Mother Tongue Language and Literature (MTLL) in lieu of H1 MTL will not have any H1 MTL component in the computation of units for admission to local universities. However, the maximum number of academic units that they may offer is 10 + 2 (H2 MTLL, inclusive of the H1 MTL unit).
All students must read at least FOUR content-based subjects, three of which have to be at H2 and at least one of the content-based subjects must be of a contrasting discipline.
All students may read at most two H3 subjects.
Apart from H3 Research, all other H3 subjects may only be offered in Senior High 2 (SH2).
One academic unit is used for each H1 or H3 subject offered; two academic units are used for each H2 subject offered.
Revised UAS Computation

Subjects Offered in Senior High

NJC Internal Policy on Subject Combination
The list of subject combinations and their respective pre-requisites are listed in the graphic below.
Students must meet two sets of pre-requisites: * The pre-requisite to read a specific subject (see table below) * The pre-requisites to read a specific combination (see graphic below)
Pre-requisites for Specific Subjects in NJC

Here are the subject combinations offered in National Junior College, displayed in text.

For AY 2025, all qualifying tests will be administered on 06 February. Please note that there will be NO make up qualifying test/re-test after 06 February.